A Pastor’s Perspective
World Outreach Update:
Over the past few months the World Outreach Department has been working diligently, submitting grant applications to ODF (Oklahoma Disciples Foundation) and DWEF (Disciples Women’s Endowment Fund). Requests have a deadline date to be received. If selected, the awarded funds go directly to the designated program.
We are so happy to announce that grants were recently received for the following ministries at First Christian Church Midwest City:
CFO (Christmas For Others): $2500
Mobile Meals: $1800
Blessing Bags: $600
Supplemental Feeding Program: $1078
Welcome Home Baskets: $500
The grant request process is very time consuming. There’s specific paperwork and documentation that’s required with each one. We are so thankful and blessed to have ministry leaders who have a heart and determination to do what it takes to be able to assist people in need. So many lives will continue to be shown the unconditional love of God through First Christian Church Midwest City!
Great work!
Every Wednesday night
from 6-8 pm in the JCAC.
Dinner begins at 6 pm. See you there!
If you would be able to help by providing
the Wednesday night meal for the Youth Group,
please contact Bev Rubino at (405) 426-2685.
She can give you all the details!
Thank you for supporting the students at FCC MWC!
Mark Your Calendar with These
Upcoming Church Wide Events!
Sunday, May 1st at 5:00 pm in the JCAC
All Church Birthday Party & Charades Night!
Sunday, May 22 at 9:00 am in the JCAC
Senior Breakfast
Come and celebrate our Graduates!
Join us for in-person worship or streaming live on Youtube:
Sundays at 10:00 AM
Stay for Sunday School at 11:00 AM
Share the link with your family and friends!
Giving Online
Log into MyFCC at: fccmwc.org/my-fcc
Select Give from the dropdown menu on the top left.
Follow the instructions to set up a
recurring gift or send a one time gift.
If you have questions, please watch this video:
Or mail your contribution to:
First Christian Church of Midwest City
11950 E Reno Ave
Midwest City, OK 73130
When dropping your offering in the church mailbox, please make sure it slides all the way to the back of the slot so that it drops down into the lock box area. Thank you for your faithfulness!
The chancel flowers serve a few purposes. It’s a way to honor your loved one, they add to the beauty of the sanctuary, and following the service the bouquets are delivered to two of our shut in members.
Please note, the cost of the flowers will go up beginning in January to $55.00 per week. This is the first price increase in several years.
Thank you for understanding the need for the increase.
Please contact the church office with new prayer concerns and with updates on those who are listed.
Thank you!
Prayer Concerns
Tom Hill; Freda Staats (Rubino), Paul Lloyd (Bonnewell); Susie Howard, recovering at home; Christi Johanning (Moler); Kathryn Jordan, Julia Gillette Jordan’s mother; Linda Witter; Ida Lou Pettigrew, Integris (Jo Pettigrew)
Congregation Long-Term Prayer List:
Fern Burling; Joyce Dowling; Lyle & Lillian Fry; Katy Givens; Joe Greffin; Bonnie Hand; Karen Holland; Tanni Jamison; Sandy Lees; Becky Long; Harold Powers; Rev. Lee & Mary Nirschl; George Pettigrew; David & Vicki Richey; Millie Sawyer; Connie Sharp; Wanda Williams; Jim Wylie
Shut-Ins Prayer List:
Lola Jean Ashford; Virginia Douthitt; Dr. Gifford McBride; Bill & Robbie McGruder; Bertha Owen; Cole Padgham; Margaret Scears; Barbara Wilson
Family/Friends Long Term Prayer List:
Ronnie Butler (Jamison); Lisa Coffman (Stanfill); Amber Bowman Dougan (Niehoff); Betsy Hormel (Leah Wakely’s aunt); Gary & Brenda LaVigna (S Updegraff); Jaye McGill (Lewis); George Niehoff; Michael Niehoff; Pat Nolen (Wiseman); Suzanna Smith (Lees); Megan Tucker (Harley); Lucille Williams (N Williams); Cindy Winkle (Fennell)
If your prayer request is no longer listed and you would like to have it put back on, please call the office 405-769-2717 or email request to [email protected]
Thank you!
Join us for in-person worship on
Sundays at 10:00 am
and Sunday School at 11:00!
We are also streaming live on the YouTube Channel.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Church Office: 769-2717
email: [email protected]
11950 East Reno Ave
Midwest City, OK 73130
[email protected]
FACEBOOK Search name: First Christian Church MWC
INSTAGRAM Search name: FCC Midwest City
YOUTUBE Search name: First Christian Church Midwest City
Also check out the church’s new and improved website!
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