The Congregation of First Christian Church participates in a variety of local, national, and international outreach projects throughout the year.
Scroll down to learn about what it is that we do in the name of Jesus.
Christmas for Others
Christmas For Others is a city-wide effort to provide holiday items, housewares, food, clothing, gifts and hope to over 75 families in the Mid-Del and Choctaw areas. Participating families are nominated by members of the community and then screened and selected by C.F.O coordinators. First Christian Church is blessed to partner with other area churches to serve our community in this way.

Mid-Del Food Pantry
First Christian Church supports the Mid-Del Food Pantry with food drives 3x/year and monetary donations. Mid-Del Food Pantry is a resource providing food to those in need in Eastern Oklahoma County.
For more information or to contact the Mid-Del Food Pantry, please click here
Mobile Meals
Mobile Meals serves an average of 60 meals every Monday. We have five routes and each route has a driver, using their own vehicle, and a delivery person. We have five cooks with two cook assistants. Each set of cooks has a certain Monday that they cook and they create their own menus. FCC-MWC is honored to partner with five other Churches in the area and each Church delivers on a different day. Mobile Meals is an all volunteer program and all are welcome to participate in this ministry.
CROP Hunger Walks are interfaith hunger education and fundrasing events sponsored by Church World Services. In addition to benefiting grassroots hunger-fighting efforts in developing areas, 25 percent of funds raised stay in participants’ communities.
For more information about CROP, visit CWS’s CROP website.
Refuge Fellowship
Refuge Fellowship is a Disciples of Christ outreach and ministry that serves the homeless and transient population of Oklahoma City. Once a quarter, FCC-MWC is responsible for preparing and serving a hot meal to the gathering, and assisting with leadership during a worship service.
S.O.A.R (Supporting Offenders in Achieving Reintegration)
FCC-MWC is honored to participate in this ministry which helps provide an opportunity for children to visit their mothers who are in prison. Three times throughout the year, FCC-MWC transports over 20 children to the Taft Correctional Facility in Eastern Oklahoma so that the children may have a full day visiting their mothers.