Weekly Newsletter 01.31.2024

A Pastor’s Perspective

Last Thursday evening, our church was recognized at the awards dinner for Phillips Theological Seminary’s Remind and Renew conference. We received their “Faithful Partners Award for Congregational Giving”. The recognition comes for our giving to the seminary continuously for the past 53 years, providing funds to help the seminary train women and men for ministry. Those attending with me included Nancy Williams and her sister Linda, Denise and Jamie Jenks, and Les and Joyce Brown. Our congregation has a long-standing connection to Phillips, and our support is still continuing to make a difference for the Church and those looking to answer God’s call to ministry.

In other news….

Our men’s group met last Sunday morning here at the church for breakfast and conversations of introduction. There were 13 men in attendance! What a great turnout for this gathering as we seek to chart a course for a greater presence and participation from the men of our congregation. The group will meet on the fourth Saturday of each month at 9 am. A special thanks to Brett Moler, Mark Reid, Tom Hill, and others for cooking breakfast and organizing this gathering!


Leadership Meeting Schedule
for February*

Sunday, February 3rd:
Cabinet Meeting at 5 pm

Sunday, February 10th:
Elder Meeting at 6 pm
Board Meeting at 7 pm

*This schedule may change if weather is an issue.
Participants will be notified.

Weekly Giving Report through January 28, 2024

Valentine Dinner
Saturday, February 10 at 6:00 pm

Cost is $15 per person
Reservations taken in the narthex
before and after service or
call the church office 405-769-2717
Proceeds benefit the Youth Fund

Pork Loin or Chicken,
Baked potato with choice of toppings,
Vegetable, Mixed dinner salad,
Beverly’s Renowned Homemade Dinner Rolls &
Apple Dumpling or Cheesecake for dessert

Giving Online

Log into MyFCC at: fccmwc.org/my-fcc
Select Give from the dropdown menu on the top left.
Follow the instructions to set up a
recurring gift or send a one time gift.
If you have questions, please watch this video:
Or mail your contribution to:
First Christian Church of Midwest City
11950 E Reno Ave
Midwest City, OK 73130

When dropping your offering in the church mailbox, please make sure it slides all the way to the back of the slot so that it drops down into the lock box area. Thank you for your faithfulness!


Sunday, January 7:
In memory of Jim Wylie, Julie Avants, David Richey, Walt Givens, Virginia Douthitt, Lu Hill, Jodie Ross, Jerry McBride, Barbara Wilson, Katy Benge, Bertha Owen, Walta Rolling & Rhonda Moler

Given to the Landscaping, CFO & School Supply Funds by Tom Hill

Sunday, January 14:
In memory of Becky Searcy

Given to the General Fund from Mitsy Martin Davis
Given to the General Fund from Linda Bromley

Sunday, January 21:
In memory of Becky Searcy

Given to the Memorial Fund from Johnnie Gasaway
Given to the Memorial Fund from Carol Hamilton
Given to the Current Expenses from Denis & Linda Harris
Given to the Envelope Fund from Keith & Bonnie Hand
Given to the General Fund from Mary Keller
Given to the General Fund from Hank & Susie Martin
Given to the Memorial Fund from Pete & Dottie Tucker
Given to the Memorial Fund from Cindy Shaefer
Given to the General Fund from Larry & Linda Porter
Given to the Youth Fund from Debbie Blanke
Given to the General Fund from an anonymous donor

Prayer Concerns

*Family and Friends of Lola Jean Ashford; *Susie Howard, has been ill and is undergoing tests; *Linda Mooney, health issues (Nancy Williams sister); Richard Layman

Congregation Long-Term Prayer List:
Marilyn Aaron; Brenda Brake; Jack Cochran; Judy Gambill; Joe Greffin; Carol Hamilton; Keith & Bonnie Hand; Gene Harkins; Carl & Sandy Harley; Tom & Tanni Jamison; Jude & Sandy Lees; Rev. Lee & Mary Nirschl; George Pettigrew; Mayme Philips; Vicki Richey; Charlie & Dona Stanfill

Shut-Ins Prayer List:
Lola Jean Ashford; Barbara Benge; Lyle & Lillian Fry; Katy Givens; Leo & Karen Holland; Ron Howard; Kathryn Jeffries; Cole Padgham; Wanda Williams; Tom Wilson; Clara Lee Winders

Family/Friends Long Term Prayer List: 
Kathy Aaron (Aaron); Melanie Abbott (Moler); Celeste Abbott (Moler); Lloyd & Annette Allison (Harkins); Tracy Brunken (Taber); Timothy Catlett (Pettigrew); Pam Croft (Pettigrew); Sue Crumrine (Gambill); Ken Daniels (Harkins); Danielle Davenport (Aaron); Amber Bowman Dougan (Niehoff); Freda Diz (N Williams); Ramon Fuller (Gilbert); Laura Henry (Cummings); Matthew Lawson (Harkins); Eddie Layman (Layman); Debbie Moorman (Gilbert); Michael Niehoff; George Niehoff; Tamara Nesiba (Harley); Gary Pearce (Williams); Maria Reyes (Moler); Kay Richards (Choate)

Notify the church office with new concerns and updates on those currently listed.

Join us for in-person worship
or streaming live on YouTube:
Sunday Worship Service begins at 10:00 AM
The S.A.L.T. Adult Sunday School
class meets at 9:00 AM.
All other Adult, Youth and Children’s
Sunday School classes begin at 11:00 AM

Share the link with your family and friends!

11950 East Reno Ave
Midwest City, OK 73130
[email protected]


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YOUTUBE Search name: First Christian Church Midwest City

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