Weekly Newsletter 02.05.2025

Join us for in-person worship or live-streaming on YouTube,
every Sunday morning at 10:00 am.

The Adult S.A.L.T. & Seekers Sunday School Class begins at 9:00 am.
All other Adult, Youth and Children’s
Sunday School classes being at 11:00 am.

Youtube Live Stream
Share the link with your family and friends!

*Church Office Hours*
Monday – Thursday: 9 AM to 4 PM
Fridays: 9 AM to Noon

Giving Online

Log into MyFCC at: fccmwc.org/my-fcc
Select Give from the dropdown menu on the top left.
Follow the instructions to set up a
recurring gift or send a one time gift.
If you have questions, please watch this video:
Or mail your contribution to:
First Christian Church of Midwest City
11950 E Reno Ave
Midwest City, OK 73130

When dropping your offering in the church mailbox, please make sure it slides all the way to the back of the slot so that it drops down into the lock box area.
Thank you for your faithfulness!

On Monday, January 20th, we assembled and delivered 36 bags of food to our Mobile Meal clients. Some of our Emergency Food Kits went to homes where more than one person is receiving Mobile Meals. Our 36 food kits will feed 46 people in our community. Our Mobile Meals Ministry is blessed by the support and generosity of our Church Family. Thank you for your generous food donations and your continued support.

A SPECIAL THANK YOU to the volunteers who helped sort, assemble and deliver our food kits in that very frigid temperature on Monday. Our Emergency Food Kits have been a success over the past several years because of your dedication to our Mobile Meals
Ministry and the special relationships you have with our clients.

I would also like to thank Canon Christensen for all the help he has given Mobile Meals over the past few weeks. Not only has he helped in the kitchen, but he also helped put our Food Kits together and he delivered them to the doors along with the meals.

Dottie Tucker                                                                                                            
Mobile Meals Coordinator

Dear Friends,
Thank you for the prayers and cards as I continue to recover from my auto accident. I was able to put weight on my injured leg last week. Also, this week I’m starting to walk with a walker, a knee brace, and a boot.
I am so thankful to be able to worship with our congregation online. I am getting better and stronger each day. Thank you again,
God bless,
Marilyn Aaron

A letter from CarePortal:

Hi Mitsy,

I’m a tad late, but January 13th, was TWO YEARS since your church joined CarePortal And  what a great two years it has been! It has bee the BEST getting to know you and supporting you as you and your church have dove into serving kids and families through CarePortal in addition to all the ministry work you already do. From me and our team, thank you! And in case you haven’t seen lately, here are your total statistics since the beginning. So thankful for you and your church stepping in the mission to mobilize and see that every child has a family!

Requests Met: 115
Total Children Served: 261
Economic Impact: $163,494


Daina Davis
Regional Manager


Given to the Memorial Fund by Carol Hamilton
                           In memory of Jud

Prayer Concerns

*Jeremy Gray, son of Richard & Jackie Gray (Gasaway)

Congregation Long-Term Prayer List:
Nellis Adams; Marilyn Aaron; Earlene Barmettler;  Jack & Janice Cochran; TJ Deaton; Phyllis Fennell; Maureen Fisher; Gene Gilbert; Joe Greffin; Carol Hamilton; Keith & Bonnie Hand; Gene Harkins; Carl & Sandy Harley; Carolyn Hinckle; Ron Howard; Tom & Tanni Jamison; Jude Lees; Mary Nicholson; Rev. Lee & Mary Nirschl; Vicki Richey; Lori Spradley; Jan Teel; Dwight Updegraff

Shut-Ins Prayer List:
Barbara Benge; Martin Davis; Joyce Dowling; Lillian Fry; Annie Hill; Leo & Karen Holland; Cole Padgham; George Pettigrew; Mayme Philips

Family/Friends Long Term Prayer List: 
Paul Arbaugh (Benge); Mark Bankert (Moler); Betty Brinsfield (Albee); Dawnelaina Brown (R Howard); Misty Brown (Martin-Davis); Brian Brubaker (Brubaker); Calli & Magdalene (Benge’s niece); Amy Crossfield (Cochran); Danielle Davenport (Aaron); TJ Deaton; Laurie DeWitt (Moler); Amber Bowman Dougan (Niehoff); Tracy Egerer (M Holt); Matt Franck & fellow firefighters, Independence KS (Rubino’s nephew); Ryan Hall (J Moler); Quina Hill (Leo Hill Jr.); Betty Jones (N Williams); Billie King (N Williams); Gary (hospice care) & Brenda LaVigna (S Updegraff); Lena & Cheyenne (Pettigrew); Gayle Levings (Christensen); Rhonda Lively (Reed); Stephanie Loftis (Reed); Steve Meritt (Bonnewell); Linda Mooney (N Williams); Jim Morrison; Chris Muse; Alex Nelson (Fisher);  Paul Nicholson (Reed);  Nick Nickelson (Greffin); George Niehoff; Michael Niehoff; Bill Nueshaver (Greffin); Cale Olbert (Burk); Judy Park (Wiseman); Denise Parr (Madoux); Gary Pearse (Williams); Dave Perdue (Wokaty); Molly Reid (Reid); Roy Schandorf (Wokaty); Freda Staats (Rubino); Tracy Tabor;  Bill Taylor (Tom Hill); Danny Uzzo (S Updegraff); Becky (McMahan) Vandiver (McMahan); Gary Wagner & family (Harkins); Miles Woods and team, mission trip to Dubai (Keith & Bonnie Hand’s son); Brock & Deb Zimmerman (Harkins)

Call the church office at 405-769-2717 with additions or updates. Thank you


FACEBOOK Search name:  First Christian Church MWC

INSTAGRAM Search name: FCC Midwest City

YOUTUBE Search name: First Christian Church Midwest City

Also check out the church’s new and improved website!

11950 East Reno Ave
Midwest City, OK 73130
[email protected]