Weekly Newsletter 07.06.2022

A Pastor’s Perspective


Vacation Bible School

July 25 – 29 · Mon-Fri · 9 am-12 pm
For children ages 5 through 5th Grade

Pre-registration forms are available in the narthex. Please leave in the office once completed. Thanks!

We need lots of volunteers!

If you are available to help,
contact Christi Miller or Pat Wiseman.

Here are few items needed for VBS:

  • Small glass jars with lids
  • Boxes – any size
  • Yellow construction paper
  • A variety of snacks: granola bars, rice crispy treats,
    pudding cups, jello cups, small bottles of water,
    small sacks of crackers, goldfish & cheese and crackers.

Meetings this Sunday

July 10th

Cabinet Meeting at 6:00 PM
Board Meeting at 7:00 PM

CWF Service Day

Wednesday, July 13
10:00 am – 12:00 pm

We will receive our “Blessing Box” offerings at this meeting. All ladies are welcome to join us and we look forward to seeing you there!

Sunday, July 24th

Mark your calendar! We start early to plan for our largest annual outreach project. Please consider giving to Christmas for Others to help make 2022 the best yet!


Thank you for your generous donations during the recent underwear drive for the Homeless Alliance.

Thank you for your support of Muffins for Mission. A very special thank you to Rosemary Suffridge for her baking abilities!

Dear First Christian Church,
Maxine Wheelan brought over some beautiful flowers and they made my day. I really appreciate them and thank you very much. Love you all, 
Mary Nicholson 

Giving Online

Log into MyFCC at: fccmwc.org/my-fcc
Select Give from the dropdown menu on the top left.
Follow the instructions to set up a
recurring gift or send a one time gift.
If you have questions, please watch this video:
Or mail your contribution to:
First Christian Church of Midwest City
11950 E Reno Ave
Midwest City, OK 73130

When dropping your offering in the church mailbox, please make sure it slides all the way to the back of the slot so that it drops down into the lock box area. Thank you for your faithfulness!


Received Sunday, June 26th:

   To the Memorial Fund given by Carol Hamilton
               In memory of Don Nicholson

   To Children’s Corner given by the Nicholson & Barnett families
               In memory of Don Nicholson

Please contact the church office with new prayer concerns and with updates on those who are listed.
Thank you!

Prayer Concerns

*Family & Friends of Harold Powers; *Richard Layman; Nell Reed, recovering from hip surgery; Mayme Philips, Sienna MWC; Carol Hamilton; Katy Givens, Emerald Care;  Leon & Mary Walters (Eric’s parents)

Congregation Long-Term Prayer List:
Katy Benge: Fern Burling; Joyce Dowling; Lyle & Lillian Fry; Katy Givens; Joe Greffin; Keith & Bonnie Hand; Karen Holland; Susie Howard; Tanni Jamison; Sandy Lees; Becky Long; Rev. Lee & Mary Nirschl; George Pettigrew; David & Vicki Richey; Millie Sawyer; Wanda Williams; Jim Wylie

Shut-Ins Prayer List:
Lola Jean Ashford; Virginia Douthitt; Dr. Gifford McBride; Bill & Robbie McGruder; Bertha Owen; Cole Padgham; Margaret Scears; Barbara Wilson

Family/Friends Long Term Prayer List: 
Ronnie Butler (Jamison); Lisa Coffman (Stanfill); Amber Bowman Dougan (Niehoff);  Betsy Hormel (Leah Wakely’s aunt); Barbara Jordan (Gilbert); Gary & Brenda LaVigna (S Updegraff); Paul Lloyd (Bonnewell); Jodie Macdonald (Wheelan); George Niehoff; Michael Niehoff; Pat Nolen (Wiseman); Ida Lou Pettigrew; JoAnn Procator (Dowling); Cate Schreiber (Christensen); Jim Sidwell (Moler); Suzanna Smith (Lees); Megan Tucker (Harley); Lucille Williams (N Williams); Cindy Winkle (Fennell); Tom Wood (Kitchell)

If your prayer request is no longer listed and you would like to have it put back on, please call the office 405-769-2717 or email request to [email protected]

Thank you!

Join us for in-person worship on
Sundays at 10:00 am
and Sunday School at 11:00!

We are also streaming live on the YouTube Channel.


Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Church Office: 769-2717
email: [email protected]

11950 East Reno Ave
Midwest City, OK 73130
[email protected]


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INSTAGRAM Search name: FCC Midwest City

YOUTUBE Search name: First Christian Church Midwest City

Also check out the church’s new and improved website!

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