Weekly Newsletter 11.29.2022

You are invited to join us in worship and fellowship!

Children’s Christmas Program

Sunday, December 11 at 6:00 PM

Join us immediately following in the fellowship hall for a tasting party. Bring your favorite Christmas treat to share!

Amazon Smile Reminder
Do you shop on Amazon? 
You can select our church as your Charity of Choice
in the Amazon app.

Step 1: Join AmazonSmile – If you are not already an AmazonSmile member, simply sign up at smile.amazon.com and select your favorite charity to start generating donations, at no cost to you.
Step 2:  Turn on AmazonSmile – Open the app and find ’Settings’ in the main menu (☰). Tap on ‘AmazonSmile’ and follow the on-screen instructions to turn on AmazonSmile on your phone.
Search for: First Christian Church of Midwest City.
(AmazonSmile in the app is not available for iPads and other tablet devices.  To shop AmazonSmile on your tablet, type smile.amazon.com into the browser.)
This is an easy way to contribute to our church. THANK YOU!

Counters Needed for 2023
If you would be interested in volunteering to help count in 2023, please contact Julie Moler.  Each counting team counts for one month of the year.

The Secret Place
Winter edition devotion books are available in the narthex

Time to update the church directory for 2023. Please review your 2022 directory. If you need to change your contact information, in any way, email or call the church office at 405-769-2717. Thank you!

Stewardship Update

Giving Online

Log into MyFCC at: fccmwc.org/my-fcc
Select Give from the dropdown menu on the top left.
Follow the instructions to set up a
recurring gift or send a one time gift.
If you have questions, please watch this video:
Or mail your contribution to:
First Christian Church of Midwest City
11950 E Reno Ave
Midwest City, OK 73130

When dropping your offering in the church mailbox, please make sure it slides all the way to the back of the slot so that it drops down into the lock box area. Thank you for your faithfulness!

Chancel Flower Dedications

Sunday, November 20th
Given by Carol Hamilton
In loving memory of her parents, Clarence & Ruby Barber
Given by Fern Burling
In celebration of Clara Lee Winders 99th Birthday!
Sunday, November 27th
Given by Ron & Susie Howard
Celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary!

Sunday, December 4th
Given by Maxine Wheelan
In loving memory of her mother, Eunice Liebert


To the Memorial Fund given by Carol Hamil
                   In memory of Fern Burling

To the Memorial Fund given by Colleen & Charlie Alward
                   In memory of Fern Burling
To the Youth Fund given by Johnnie Gasaway
                   In memory of Fern Burling
To the Memorial Fund given by Denis & Linda Harris
                   In memory of Fern Burling
To Mobile Meals given by Mary Keller
                  In memory of Fern Burling
To Mobile Meals given by David & Vicki Richey
                  In memory of Fern Burling

Please contact the church office with new prayer concerns and with updates on those who are listed.
Thank you!

Prayer Concerns

*Jake Bonnewell, Beverly Bonnewell’s grandson; *Earnest Johnson, Nell & Jerry Reed’s brother in law; *Nell Reed, surgery Dec 1st; *Family & Friends of Fern Burling; *Family & Friends of Richard Jordan (Gilbert); *Family & Friends of John Cantrell (Harkey); Mike McIlvoy (Wiseman); Gene Harkins children & grandchildren; Cornell Neal family (Christensen); Melissa Marty (Jamie Benge’s sister); Emersynn Jordan (Moler); Conley Webster and Bryan & Erin Webster (Kitchell); Heidi Watkins (S Updegraff);  Daniel Davenport  (Marilyn Aaron); Harva Walker (Johnnie Gasaway)

Congregation Long-Term Prayer List:
Katy Benge; Brenda Brake; Joyce Dowling; Lyle & Lillian Fry; Katy Givens; Joe Greffin; Carol Hamilton; Keith & Bonnie Hand; Gene Harkins; Karen Holland; Rom Howard; Tanni Jamison; Richard & Mary Layman; Sandy Lees; Becky Long; Rev. Lee & Mary Nirschl; George Pettigrew; Nell Reed; David & Vicki Richey; Wanda Williams; Clara Lee Winders; Jim Wylie

Shut-Ins Prayer List:
Lola Jean Ashford; Virginia Douthitt; Dr. Gifford McBride; Bertha
Owen; Cole Padgham; Margaret Scears; Barbara Wilson

Family/Friends Long Term Prayer List: 
Ronnie Butler (Jamison); Lisa Coffman (Stanfill); Amber Bowman Dougan (Niehoff);  Betsy Hormel (Leah Wakely’s aunt); Barbara Jordan (Gilbert); Chuck LaVigna (S Updegraff); Gary & Brenda LaVigna (S Updegraff); Abbey Lawson (Simmons); Cynthia Harkins Lawson (Gene Harkins); Paul Lloyd (Bonnewell); Jodie Macdonald (Wheelan); George Niehoff; Kevin Niehoff; Michael Niehoff; Ida Lou Pettigrew; Gina Rush (Searcy); Cate Schreiber (Christensen); Jim Sidwell (Moler); Suzanna Smith (Lees); Todd (Brock Becker’s friend); Megan Tucker (Harley); Leon & Mary Walters (Walters); Lucille Williams (N Williams); Kenny Winders (Clara Lee’s son); Cindy Winkle (Fennell); Tom Wood (Kitchell); Tina Youngblood (Leah Wakely)

If your prayer request is no longer listed and you would like to have it put back on, please call the office 405-769-2717 or email request to [email protected]

Thank you!

Join us for in-person worship
or streaming live on YouTube:
Sunday Worship Service begins at 10:00 AM
The S.A.L.T. Adult Sunday School
class meets at 9:00 AM.
All other Adult, Youth and Children’s
Sunday School classes begin at 11:00 AM

Share the link with your family and friends!


Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Church Office: 769-2717
email: [email protected]

11950 East Reno Ave
Midwest City, OK 73130
[email protected]


FACEBOOK Search name:  First Christian Church MWC

INSTAGRAM Search name: FCC Midwest City

YOUTUBE Search name: First Christian Church Midwest City

Also check out the church’s new and improved website!

Disciples Around the Web

Disciples News Service